Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi/National Geographic Image Coll.

In 2015, Cage returned to Mongolia the skull of a Tyrannosaurus bataar dinosaur that he purchased for $276,000 after it was found to have been stolen. Stan the T rex, an enormous T rex skeleton, vanished after being sold at auction two years ago. Some critics have raised concerns that rising prices at auction have fueled demand for the stealing and trafficking of skeletons.

Private collectors acquiring fossils could also keep the bones hidden away from the public and from being studied by experts. The sale of dinosaur bones to private collectors has been condemned by scientists, who say museums and research facilities can’t compete with the sky-high prices of specimens at auction. Well-known dinosaur collectors reportedly include actors Nicolas Cage, Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio. Demand has particularly picked up over the past few years, with a skeleton of the dinosaur that served as a prototype for Jurassic Park’s Velociraptor selling for $12.4 million in May and a 70 million-year-old skeleton of the dinosaur Gorgosaurus fetching $6.1 million in July. Is that real This is a question we often hear from visitors as they roam the Field Museum, especially about dinosaur bones. rex is an incredibly complete fossil, and Mximo the Titanosaur is a cast. Since the first dinosaur ever sold at auction, a tyrannosaur called Sue, fetched $8.36 million in 1997, fossils have sold for sky-high prices. JWhich Dinosaur Bones Are Real SUE the T. Maximus is believed to be 76 million years old, Sotheby's said.